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  • Writer's pictureLuke DeRoy


Updated: Mar 8, 2020

Thursday Jan 16 11:55 AM

I cannot fathom or even begin to understand the immense beauty of all of this. These boundless emotions leave little energy for rationality. I am split into two beings that fight for 100% of my Self: 1) a rational thinking machine that aims to further a personal and professional path, and 2) an emotional flame that flickers to light and destroy, wanting to dream and reminisce. Left Brain Lou vs. Right Brain Rex. Although this personality theory has been debunked, I can understand why it's a well-known theory. I am experiencing it first hand. It would be acceptable to say that the ideal human is somewhere between the two. To remain in the present must be the key. Am I growing? If I can remember this then I believe that I am.

For ourselves or for those around us? What is the purpose of our time on the earth? To stop and question yourself is to find the key. After years of pondering just this I find myself along a path that has led me a long way in a singular direction, and I feel that I can only be grateful to those who’ve pointed me in this direction of compassion, for the answer never fails me when I choose to follow its path. In times of turmoil, I have forgotten my answer: the reason we live is for those around us. Without those around us, we are nothing. We can only be ideal for ourselves if we are aiming eventually to be an ideal piece of a greater working, moving, morphing, orbiting puzzle. As this intricate puzzle comes together as a whole , all the delicate strokes of color and texture give us all, equal and unique, a purpose (should we choose to recognize it), and gives us the hope of expressing our divine beauty. It is a theme that exists in great art through time, and this speaks to the importance of art: what it is and its place, purpose and essentiality in our world.

In a hard time, where does one go? To his thoughts, first and foremost. If the thoughts are not safe, that is, if the seeds he has planted are not blooming with fruits of compassion, he is doomed. I turn to myself and I look deeply. Who is this that torments me, making me act without my permission, urging me to speak before I am ready? I will sit with you, my dear friend. My greatest enemy. Time will carry us forth and we will get to know one another. You are the action that changes the present. You are the force that swirls the particles before me into the great cosmic choreography within which we all ignorantly dance and revolve. I will watch you. I will remain still, and be here, for you. When your force is great but your aim is abandoned, I will quietly steer you, and you will not forget me. You will heed my direction, and I will do nothing. I will only sit, and fully observe. I will fully BE.

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