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  • Writer's pictureLuke DeRoy

Only Our Best

Updated: Jan 21, 2020

Time flies!

To capture these moments wholly would be a fortune far greater than that of any lottery, slot machine, or poker game. I try with all my heart to put these memories in a place where they will remain safe. Safe from the wilting powers of time. Like a rose under a dome of glass, a fairytale it might be, the only place where enough magic exists to keep these memories in full, color, aroma, and all.

Then, the beauty of these feelings lies within just that fact: these times are promised to never be repeated, as with any moment, I now reflect. Perhaps in fully realizing the essence of these beautiful memories we are creating as they happen, we might better hold onto them. In other words, maybe when we analyze and ponder these happy feelings, as real as any periodic element, and do only our best to express them, we create, or rather reinforce our metaphorical glass dome; to be reminded that we are growing always; that every moment is absolutely unique from those around it.

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